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Pack Structure

Like every effective organization, Cub Scout Packs have a structure. Understanding this structure and how it works will increase your son’s or daughter’s enjoyment of the program (and leave the parent far less confused).


Groups of 6 to 10 boys or girls meet weekly together as a Den. Each Den is led by a Den Leader and an Assistant Den Leader. A Boy Scout, known as a Den Chief, may also work with your son’s or daughter’s den.

Dens are organized by age groups. Scouts work toward a specific rank during each year in the Pack. Ultimately, they work towards the Arrow of Light award, the highest award in Cub Scouting. We have one den at each rank:

Bobcat: The Bobcat rank is earned by all scouts when they join Cub Scouting. To earn the Bobcat, a scout must complete eight simple activities including learning the Cub Scout Promise, the Law of the Pack, and the Motto.

Lion: The Lion program is for kindergarten (or age 6) boys and girls and their adult partners. The Lion, working with their adult partner, completes five required Lion adventures to earn the Lion rank badge.

The Tiger rank is for first grade (or age 7) boys and girls and their adult partners. There are six required Tiger Adventures and 13 elective adventures. The Tiger, working with their adult partner, completes the six required Tiger adventures and at least one elective Tiger adventure to earn the Tiger rank Badge. These requirements consist of an exciting series of indoor and outdoor activities just right for a boy or girl in the first grade.

The Wolf program is for second grade (or age 8) boys and girls. To earn the Wolf badge, a scout must complete six required Wolf adventures and one of the thirteen elective Wolf adventures involving simple physical and mental skills.

Bear: The Bear rank is for third grade (or age 9) boys and girls. To earn the Bear badge, a scout must complete six required Bear adventures and one of the thirteen Bear elective adventures.  These requirements are somewhat more difficult and challenging than those for Wolf rank.

This program is for fourth and fifth grade (or age 10 and 11) boys and girls. WEBELOS stands for “WE’ll BE LOyal Scouts”. A scout may begin working on the Webelos badge as soon as they join a Webelos den. To earn the Webelos badge, a scout must complete five required Webelos adventures and two elective Webelos adventures.  To earn their Arrow of Light, a scout must complete the four required AOL adventures and another three elective adventures.  As a scout completes the requirements found in the Webelos Scout Book, they will work on activity badges, attend meetings, and become familiar with the Boy Scout requirements—all leading to the Arrow of Light Award.

The Pack

The Pack consists of the Dens and their Families. Pack 316 meets monthly for a Pack meeting and also schedules special activities throughout the year. The Pack serves as a vehicle for parent and family involvement in scouting.

The Committee

The Pack Committee consists of volunteer adults who are charged with managing the Pack and its programs. Parents are encouraged to volunteer to serve on the Committee and attend regular meetings. Meeting dates are shown on the Pack Calendar. The Committee Chairperson and the Cubmaster lead the group in planning and organizing the Pack program. The Committee is also responsible for maintaining Pack funds and planning its budget.

Organizational Chart

Click here for descriptions of the leadership roles associated with a Cub Scout pack.

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